Bloodstone [Clues]

A Little Bit of Story - In the beginning there was power, raw
and unformed. Power beyond imagining yet free and unchecked. The
power sought order. (As it is the way of all things to proceed from
order to chaos and from chaos to order in a perpetual cycle.) Power
formed vessels to contain itself and beings to watch over them.
Thus the gods were created to watch over the vastness of worlds that
power had become. Some of the worlds were barren, however, and
nothing sprung from them although they were still beautiful because
they contained the least choas. The watchers of these orderly
worlds grew tired of their vigilance over the unchanging, orderly
vessels. In time, each came to believe that these static worlds did
not need to be watched, and as they came to this realization they
left their vessels, seeking the choas which had birthed them.
They sought worlds with diversity and change, the most chaotic and
imperfect worlds they could find. When they encountered the
watchers of these worlds they appoached in many guises and were
often accepted as a co-watcher for one reason or another. Many were
humble and begged to be accepted. Others decieved the watcher into
thinking that they were created to help the watcher, and still
others came and struggled with the watcher until some agreement was
reached. {the watchers like people have all the same desires and
weaknesses but on a more simplified scale. Some of them wanted many
planets and some of them would ruin their vessel, release all its
power and move on.} well anyway, Rhorkhad creates a helper race
known as the dwarves (because they were smaller than he) which were
hearty enough to carry out the tasks that the god asked. Palelil
tried to mimic Rhorkhad but ended up creating the twisted Taldor
race which was more bent on destruction than creation and
preservation (each of the races represent the most prevelant trait
in their god). This angered Palelil because it revealed his short-
comings. He vowed to destroy Rhorkhad and the dwarves he had
created. [The history gets really complex in my mind from here but
you can probably piece together some of it by reading the Magic Item
descriptions.] It basically goes something like this: Palelil
gets mad at Rhorkhad, so he makes Mukora, a magic axe, which he
gives to Grefrin, the first Taldor. Rhorkhad makes an axe,
Khamalkhad, [interesting note here, Rhorkhad copies Palelil because
he doesn't know anything about weapons of destruction] and gives it
to Dalkhad, the first Dwarf. Dalkhad kills Grefrin and takes
Mukora. Palelil kills Dalkhad, and takes Mukora back. Rhorkhad
takes Khamalkhad back. They don't fight for eons, and during that
time, other gods arrive and begin fighting over the world.
Eventually, Rhorkhad (the original watcher of the planet and thus
the most powerful) gets fed up with all the fighting and imprisons
all of the other gods in various ruins left from all the battling.
The gods band together and use their remaining power to band
together and banish Rhorkhad from the planet's surface. Thus, he can
only appear on the planet in the form of visions (like a burning
bush) and even that requires tremendous energy. When Rhorkhad
imprisoned the gods , he said that if any creature wished to see
their god, they could if they uttered a sacred word in the tomb of
the god. The sacred words were to be inscribed on the alters of the
gods. In the game, Rhorkhad can, and is, summoned that way also.

The Houses of the Gods : In the time of the gods, every god had a
house of rest where he resided. These houses were where the dead
worshippers of the god went. Once in the house, the god would
determined the fate of his follower as he saw fit. In the house of
Rhorkhad, the Castle Entemar, those who were worthy became Dokari,
Windhirs, and Firelords on the upper levels while those who were
not, became Yeti and other creatures who worked the lower levels in
the ice caves.

Notes on Objects

Khamalkhad - The mighty axe was given to Dalkhad so that he would be
able to defend himself from Grefrin the Taldor. It was made of a
methreal shaft and a bloodstone head. Bloodstone is the hardest
stone known to dwarf and it is said that it is actually the blood of
Rhorkhad himself. The stone is impossible to mine so it must be
excavated around.

Aroten - The axe the hero starts with was made by the dwarven smith
Arogus and the wizard Morg'ten Kara. The magic axe has long been the
prized possession of the Hoprus dwarf clan for untold years. The
axe is the symbol of the clan leader and was created at the clans

Fireglobe - devastating clay ball filled with an unknown, highly
volitale substance.

Methreal Armour - Made from a metal requiring tremendous heat to
work (more than current technology allows).

Dwarven Chain - Better than normal chain and worse than bronze plate.

Axes - Do slightly better damage than the sword of the equivalent
category (A great axe does slighty more damage than a greatsword,

Mapflask - Lets you see a map in the dungeons. Requires Alabaster.

Aster tile - Looks like space ship from asteroids.
Berat tile - Looks like Bear claw
Otala tile - Looks like Oval
Dunha tile - Looks like a Dunce cap
Henta tile - Looks like a chicken foot

Totems - Smorca, in Kafari tells who sells spell totems, she's like
their sales rep.

Cities and their Regions

Sartuma (Shatlam) (this area is talked about in the Galaq tavern)

Magic Items in the Area

Bent wood: (for hull) - can be bought in Sartuma from
woodworker. Only one bundle is needed.

Zlmnrdra - Created by the metal weaver bigrbi for the tlengle
highlord, it was used to kill Bloogridpr. A tlengleian forged
magic sword. It was stolen by tlatol and later recovered, but
in the attempt to return it to the northern isles, the party was
mysteriously obliterated and the sword lost. It's history after
this point is unclear, but Mikalat, the hermit, in Shatlam has
it. He will part with it for the hide of the azure sky shark,
which can be found in High Temple. The sword does double damage
to bazards.

The Iron Crown - Made of polished iron, encrusted with diamonds,
the crown is nothing special except that represents great
wealth. It is located in the High Temple. It is one of the
treasures that should be given to one of the chiefs, from now on
they will be referred to as point treasures. Narcoti in Galaq
used to own it, but lost it while adventuring in the dungeon.
(yes he was dumb enough to take it every where he went).

Important Places

Sartuma [62,109]: On foldout map.

High Temple [56,115]: Southwest of Sartuma in the snow by the

Mikalet's camp [46,104]: Along the northern shore.

Mory's camp [29,115]: West southwest along the western coast in
the grass.

Mushroom Patch [53,106]: Northwest, by the coast.

Teleportal [39,125]: Western side of western mountain range in a
box canyon.

Shrine [74,151]: (To Palelil) In hills surrounded by mountains
to the south on the main range.

Grove [48,142]: In a little forest surrounded by hills south
southwest of Sartuma.

Important Topics

Palelil (the Taldor God) - Pale was the watcher of a far distant
planet which he destroyed on a whim. He came to Tarq searching
for another plaything. When he saw the planet that Rhorkad
controlled he was drawn by its beauty. Later, when Rhork
created a race, Pale tried to also but he was underskilled and
his creation was tainted. Since that time, he has been
imbittered and strives to destroy as he cannot create. When the
party finds him, he will be dormant watcher law states that he
must reward those who summon him to the world so he will give
the party aid but as he is bitter, it will be in the most
useless skills. Layel gives a small amount of history and Pran
knows temple location. Temple is deep within the mountains in
Shatlam. Palelil rests in the Dark Temple.

Rulaan (Pasenta)(this area is talked about in the tavern at Galaq)

Magic Items in the Area

High Mitre - The mitre was worn by the high priest of Rhorkhad
before he was killed by Quem warriors. It represents the
highest seat of religious authority in Dwarven thinking. The
man who wore the mitre was the high priest. This point treasure
is located in Kireini Tower. Doroma tells buried location if
party gives him the book of flower arrangement.

Delatna - Carved from a living trimmick, the magic crossbow was
the symbol of the unity between the trimmicks and the

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